In the clip, the 28-year-old rapper poses in neon-colored ensembles with equally bold hairdos and nail colors to match. In one outfit, she sports a bright green wig with matching nails in the same hue. In another, the 'Pink Friday' creator strikes a unique stance wearing a metal contraption around her neck as well as donning a silver 3-D looking dress and rocking lacquer of a similar color.
While Nicki Minaj gets her glamor on, shots of her 'Super Bass' video are sprinkled throughout the promo visual.
The rap star joined forces with OPI Nail Lacquer to create six funky colors. In creating the names of each one, she looked to her own catalog of hits for inspiration. Super Bass Shatter, Fly, Metal 4 Life and Pink Friday are just a few of the nail polish colors that will debut in 2012.
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