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Monday, May 14, 2012

Beyonce Video Game Lawsuit Headed to Trial

Beyonce Sued Over Video Game Deal

Sounds like there’s going to be drama in Queen Bey’s kingdom. A video game company is suing Beyonce for $100 million, and a judge just agreed to let the case go to trial.

Software developer Gate Five claims that Beyonce agreed to develop a motion-sense video game called ‘Starpower: Beyonce’ for a cool $20 million. When she reneged on the deal at the last minute, the company sued for breach of contract, claiming that Bey’s backing out cost over 70 people their jobs and destroyed their business.

Gate Five was slated to meet with financiers on Dec. 6, 2010, and claims Beyonce bailed on them on Dec. 3, 2010. Beyonce’s lawyers argued that they were within their rights to walk away because Gate Five hadn’t had its financing finalized yet. The result? The $100 million lawsuit.

Those numbers and dates didn’t sit well with Manhattan judge Charles Ramos, who, according to the New York Post, gave Gate Five the green light to take the matter to trial. Ramos reportedly told Bey’s attorneys, "You continue to negotiate right up until the time you pull the plug. That is not going to work with me."

Gate Five’s lawyer, naturally, claimed to be "pleased" with the judge’s decision, while Beyonce’s team had no comment on the matter.

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